Permaculture for Academia
Proceedings of the international research and practice conference
Permaculture education is typical for informal teaching institutions, e.g. PDC (Certification Permaculture Design Course) where students get the basic knowledge about permaculture practice and design. However, to diversify approaches it is also important to offer Permaculture in university environment thus students can get another perspective for a problem solving. Students obtain specific knowledge about their own field of study but usually have not enough information how systems are interconnected. E.g. how water cycle system is connected to food systems and its influence on society. Permaculture and its holistic approach can reveal those interconnections and shows where the possible solution possibly lies.
The aim of this proceeding is to present permaculture education at universities, its forms and abundance. The main focus is on Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and Ukraine, but a few examples of experience from another countries are also included.
Source of information in this proceeding is from questionnaire distributed in August 2018 (see all answers here).